When being asked about the common saw teeth shapes, can you give the right answer? In fact, it is better to know different saw teeth shapes and their different characteristics, only by this way, you can use saw blade rightly.
In cutting industry, it is common to find saw blades with left-right saw teeth, also known as commutative saw teeth, level saw teeth, how-low saw teeth and inverted ladder-shaped saw teeth, swallow tail saw teeth, also known as hump saw teeth. In addition, there are also some irregular saw teeth, all of which are not easy to be found in cutting industry.
OK, in the following article, I will introduce the four main saw teeth shapes.
Left-right saw teeth
Such left-right saw teeth is the most widely used and its cutting speed is very fast, at the same time, it is easy to grind it if necessary. When using left-right saw teeth, it is suitable for rough shape cutting and cut all kinds of soft or hard wooden materials athwartships, meanwhile, when cutting Medium Density Fiberboard, composite board and shaving board, left-right saw teeth would be your first and wise choice. If device which can play the role of preventing the rebound when cutting is install on left-right saw teeth, it would become the swallow tail saw teeth, which is suitable for cutting wooden materials with scab length ways. If there is negative rake on left-right saw teeth, it is more sharp and the cutting quality is more better, therefore it is suitable for cutting laminated board.
Level saw teeth
The saw bite of level saw teeth is more coarse and its cutting speed is relatively slower. However, it is the simplest to grind it so as to keep its sharpness. In cutting industry, it is suitable for cutting ordinary wooden materials and cutting cost is lowest. As usual, it is the aluminum using saw blade with small diameter so that when cutting less powder will adhere to it, or it is used for slotting saw blade so that bottom of slot can be kept at smooth status.
Inverted ladder-shaped saw teeth,
Inverted ladder-shaped saw teeth is mainly found in bottom kerf saw blade in cut-to-size saw, when cutting and sawing artificial board with double veneerings, the thickness of grooving saw would be adjusted to finish the slotting work at bottom, and then the panel will be cut by head saw so as to avoid the edge breakage condition at saw bite.