As is known to all, chest or shelf is one of the common furniture, and in many cases, they are made from wooden raw material, artificial board or even metal. In the following article, I will introduce some common types of chest or shelf in daily life.
Firstly, cloth shelf
Just as its name implies, this one is used for storing cloth and other similar items
Secondly, bookshelf
The shelf which is used for placing books, documents and other paper materials can be named as bookshelf.
Thirdly, flower shelf
When placing flower shelf at home, it is the signal that you are the people who are seeking for the green and fresh living environment. Imagine that placing some flowers on flower shelf and drink tea nearby, it is really nice life.
Fourthly, screen
Screen which is also named as byobu is always used to separate the space indoor and shelter from people’s sight line. In the ancient China, it is the most important decorative item at home.
In addition to these four furniture introduced above, there are still other related or similar items, you can share your viewpoint in the comment zone.