In addition to use TCT circular saw blade correctly, you have to maintain it with right ways so as to keep its safety using and working life. Here are some tips about circular saw blade maintenance you can follow.
Firstly, if TCT circular saw blade is not used in recent days, you should keep it flat or hang it with the inner bore on saw blade. When keeping saw blade flat, please not to place any other items on it, or even tread on it. In addition, pay attention on the moisture proof if the environment is too moist, corrosion proof.
Secondly, if you notice that the saw blade is not too sharp than that in the past, or the cut surface is so rough, you should repair and grind it in time. During the repairing and grinding process, it is important to keep its original angle and the structure balance should not be damaged.
Thirdly, if you want to correct the inner diameter of saw blade, or process its location hole, you should get the guidance from saw blade manufacturer, what’s more, it is better to ask for the professional worker from manufacturer to finish it for you because it is so important changes. If it is not changed very well, the using effect would be affected, what’s worse, some security incidents would be happened during the using process. By the way, if you want to enlarge the location hole, its diameter should be less than 20mm of original diameter, which is the basic principle, otherwise the stress’ balance would be affected negatively.
Fourthly, how to choose the right metal grinding wheel? As you know, there are too many grinding wheels in the market that made from different materials such as resin binding agent, ceramics binding agent, metal binding agent and so on. In order to choose right one for using, you should at first clearly know their advantages and disadvantages.
Resin binding agent diamond grinding wheel, because of the weak combination degree, it is not easy to be blocked when using, meanwhile, its efficiency of grinding is good performance with less grinding strength and low grinding temperature. However, as for its shortcomings, abrasive resistance is a little poor and the loss of molds is serious.
Metal binding agent diamond grinding wheel, good performance of abrasive resistance, high combination degree, low degree abrasion and longer working life even it can be borne higher working loading, but it is easy to be blocked.