Two Important Types of Diamond Saw Blade Abrasion

Have you noticed that types of circular saw blades abrasion? As usual, it can be divided into different types, more information about this topic are introduced in this article below.

Firstly, large area diamond particle broken
Both in the cutting in process and cutting out process, diamond particles would be born too much shock loading, under such environment, as for the large size particles which are out the surface or other crystals, they would be damaged in early time.

Secondly, dropped condition
Frequent changed cutting power would make the unceasing waggle for the diamond particles in the binding agent, after a long time, such diamond particles would be loosen and finally dropped. At the same time, during cutting process, because of binding agent itself abrasion and cutting temperature, binding agent would be softened, and then its holding ability would be reduced. When the particles’ cutting power is bigger than its holding ability, such particles are likely to be dropped.

No matter the different types of diamond circular saw blades abrasion, they would be closely related to the diamond particles bearing capacity and cutting temperature, believe it or not, both of which are dependent on cutting technology and cooling liquid.

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